Sunday, 22 September 2019


Life has never been easy,
It has always been a puzzle.
Those who tried to join broken pieces,
Sadly for them, their lives became a hassle.

Deeds are to be paid here only,
There's no escape to them.
There's a reason behind every action,
Not everyone's as glittering as a gem.

Curses and negativity,
Are the 'rewards' for your sins.
You are unaware many a times,
Of their sources and reasons.

The list is neverending,
Your deeds are being monitored.
There's a CCTV camera footage above the world,
That constantly records your movements since you've entered.

Sins are never forgiven,
You'll pay a heavy price.
Be good to all,
As that's what till your death will suffice.

© Kritika Bhatia

तेरे नाम कर दिया

प्यार में अकसर,
होते हैं बलिदान।
कुछ प्रेमी - प्रेमिकाओं के नाम,
इसी प्रकार बन जाते हैं महान।

प्यार पाने के लिए,
लोग तरसते हैं।
सिर्फ किस्मत वालों को मिलता है,
बाकी के लोग घृणा के बारिश की बूंदों सा बरसते हैं।

तुझे मिलकर,
इस दिल को सुकून मिला।
सारी आदतें बदल गयी,
ऐसा हुआ सिलसिला।

सारा जहां त्याग कर कर,
मैंने प्यार की बूंदों को पिया।
मैंने अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी,
तेरे नाम कर दिया।

मौत आए तो घम नहीं,
साथ जीने का वादा जो किया।
फिर अंत में चाहे जो हो,
तेरे सारे लम्हों को मैंने कैद कर दिया।

Friday, 20 September 2019

Remains Forever...

Our life,
How do we define it?
Many problems,
Infinite solutions.

You'll always find,
People of a different kind,
Many of whose opinions match,
Others that might clash.

I've found a bunch of friends,
Who've promised to stay till the end.
We keep having conversations,
Sometimes, without uttering a word, they understand my situation.

True friendship is hard to find,
But it isn't impossible.
Who says that I'll be alone till I die?
It's just a myth, for there'll be many to cry.

With time,
This bond gets stronger,
I'm not concerned of what's lost,
But I'm proud that this friendship remains forever.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

दिल से भी कभी सोचा करो

रास्ते अनेक है मंज़िल के,
तुम किसी भी रास्ते को चुन लो।
वक़्त लगे अगर उसे पाने को,
तुम बेवजह कभी मायूस न हो।

तो क्या हुआ अगर वो तुमसे आगे निकले,
तुम्हें भी तो मौके दिए हैं कई रब ने।
हर बार तुम अगर हराने लगो,
तो शायद खुद को कभी न तुम हरा पाओ।

हर पल यह मन कहे आगे बढ़ो,
पर कभी अपने दिल की भी तुम सुनो।
तेरा मन कहे जो, उसको सुनो,
पर कभी दिल से भी सोचा करो।

यह दिल दिखाता है सच्चाई की लकीरें,
पर मन में सिर्फ भरी है नफ़रतें।
इस दिल ने भी तुम्हें किया है,
मदद तुम्हारी हर मुश्किल में।

एक बार अगर दुविधा में पड़ते हो,
तो हो सके तो इस दिल की भी सुनो।
यह दिल तुम्हें इंसानियत के हित में,
सिखाएगा ज़िन्दगी के लिए हुए फैसले।

फैसला तय करती है कल का कदम,
हर फैसले को वक़्त दो।
हर फैसला दिमाग से मत लो,
दिल से भी कभी सोचा करो।

Friday, 13 September 2019

She enjoys curricular activities

Today, the world has come a long way,
Nothing is like it was before.
People and mindsets have changed,
Their opinions are no more a bore.

Every child is sent to school,
This wasn't the case earlier.
He used to go, she used to cook,
Her demands were never met and she lived in fear.

She tried to study,
She was married off.
He was an average student,
But was always cared enough.

He used to throw his weight around,
Showing his masculinity.
She enjoys curricular activities,
On her nobody had pity.

He was always loved the most,
And given the best of opportunities.
She was always criticized,
And reminded of her feminity.

She tried reading her brother's books,
Inorder to increase her vocabulary,
She always tried,
Though she couldn't be sent to study.

She took an oath,
Not to let her future generations suffer,
She gave birth to a daughter,
Who grew up to become a teacher.

She broke all the stereotypes,
To prove her worth.
She and her daughter now,
Enjoy teaching, studying and lessening the dearth.

© Kritika Bhatia

Sunday, 1 September 2019

How Was It Possible?

Everything was like a pane of glass,
Crystal clear,
We never hid anything,
From each other.

Life was always in our favour,
We lived every moment and made it last longer,
The world thought we were inseparable,
From them, we would never fear.

We did what was meant to be done,
Our decisions were affected because of no one,
We remained determined and firm,
No matter who made fun.

We made several promises,
Of togetherness,
We never thought of separation,
Until this fateful day arrived with so much of carelessness.

You left me for someone else,
You were brainwashed, I presume,
This world is too cruel,
It can never see happiness bloom.

Till date I'm wondering,
How did that day so terrible,
Arrive without a warning,
And you left me broken, how was it possible?

People cannot judge our fate,
They are powerless,
Our bonding so strong,
How come it broke with a reason so senseless?

The moments we spent,
Will be a memory both happy and horrible,
Not you, but the world is to blame,
And still I ask myself, how was it possible?

© Kritika Bhatia

लंबोदर की कृपा बरसी रहे (भजन)

हे सुखकर्ता,
तेरी है सब पर कृपा,
तू करे विघ्न का सर्वनाश,
दे हमें सुख और शांति का वरदान।

तेरे ही लिए तरसे हम,
तेरी पूजा करने हेतु आए हम,
कोई भी आँच तू आने न दे,
लंबोदर की कृपा बरसी रहे।

कहीं पर भी अगर,
चाहे तेरा साथ,
तू रहे शामिल हर परिस्थिति में,
और हर किसी की मदद करे।

तू न होता,
तो हम न होते,
तेरा जादू हर दम चले,
लंबोदर की कृपा बरसी रहे।

भलाई की हो जीत,
तेरे ही आँगन में,
हमें डर नहीं किसी बात का,
जब साथ हो तेरा।

तू माने सवके इंसाफ में,
कर्मों से होता है यह,
तू दे दे हर वो चीज़ जो माँगे,
लंबोदर की कृपा बरसी रहे।

© Kritika Bhatia