Monday, 28 September 2015

Bholaa Dil

यह दिल है कितना भोला,
सभी के सामने है उसने राज़ खोला,
की उसे सहारे की ज़रुरत है,
वह न जाने की यह सब कहना ही एक मुसीबत है।

बच्चों की तरह मासूम,
सपनों के जहान में कहाँ खो गया, उसे नहीं मालूम,
किसी से ज़्यादा देर तक रूठ न पाया,
उसे जब धुप लगती है, तो तुरंत मिलती है छाया ।

इस उम्र में,
वह किसी को भी जान दे दे,
किसी से भी प्यार कर बैठे,
किसी को भी अपने अंदर छुपाकर रखे।

मेरा दिल भी,
कुछ इस तरह है कि,
उसे समझना और समझाना है कठिन,
हम दोनों रह न पाएँगे एक दूसरे के बिन।

कभी चुप है,
कभी बोलते रहता है,
अपना बोझ कम करने हेतु क्या नहीं करता है,
कभी रोता है, तो कभी हक़ के लिए लड़ने जाता है।

बचपन से लेकर आज तक,
अकेला ही है,
क्या करें, मेरे सिवा उसे कोई समझता ही नहीं ,
कभी रो देता है वह खून के आँसूओं की नदी ।

इसे ज़रूर इन्साफ मिलेगा,
और वह ऊपरवाला देगा,
वह ही अब इसे टूटने से बचा सकता है,
वक्त पर न मिले मदद, तो इसके राख हो जाने की संभावना है।

The World Is So Alike

God is so miraculous,
He has made so many creations,
Oner of them is mankind,
There is so much of 'variety' in every human being.

You have look-alikes,
But bestowed with different capabilities,
They may look similar,
But have interests that are alike.

You may find one of your own,
He may be a superstar or a commoner,
He looks the same as you do,
People say, they are one in a few.

Nature is so unpredictable,
No one could comprehend it,
Only He knows what He is doing,
Whatever He does, is for our well-being.

Tears, poem - Kritika Bhatia poems | Best Poems

Tears, poem - Kritika Bhatia poems | Best Poems

Friday, 25 September 2015

Short Of Words...

Powai, a destination for start-ups,
Has impressed each and every one of us.
It has broken the perception of Mumbai,
That there’s no place to relax and stare at the blue sky.

This is not less than a country in abroad,
It has everything on board.
Be it restaurants, pubs or supermarkets,
People of all age groups it targets.

It’s actually very difficult to search for serenity,
In the hustle and bustle of the city.
Nobody is at peace elsewhere,
Once they visit Powai, they will only think of their family’s welfare.

And make this a permanent residence,
Throwing all their misunderstanding about this city in the garbage bin.
Nowhere will they get all under one roof,
People who dwell here are the proof.

There are schools and hospitals here,
With state-of-the-art architecture.
No one wants to leave Powai,
The buildings here are sky-high.

There’s greenery, cleanliness and there are also broad roads,
These are the qualities with which Powai grows.
It boasts about being the centre for all startup companies,
It fulfils all their requirements and needs.

I would love to spend my whole life in such a vicinity,
This is a place of sanctity,
Where I’m sure to find ‘paradise’
There are a few things in this world, wherein you don’t believe your eyes.

This is a suburb where you’ll find beauty,
This is a suburb that’s eco-friendly.
There are trees, shrubs and bushes all over,
This is called development under the ‘green cover.’

-Kritika Bhatia

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Hamaari Khwaahishein

हमारी सोच,
हमें अपनी मंज़िल तक पहुँचाती  है।
अगर सोच अच्छी हो,
तो मंज़िल मिल जाती है।

हर कोई इस दुनिया को,
अलग नज़रिए से देखता है।
कामयाब हर कोई बनना चाहता है,
हम कभी-कभी अपने आप से ज़्यादा ही उम्मीद करते हैं ।

पैर उतने ही फैलाने चाहिए,
जितनी चादर हो।
यह मुहावरा प्रसिद्ध है,
और हमारी ख्वाहिशों के लिए बराबर है।

हम बहुत ऊँची सोच रखते हैं,
हमारी पहुँच उतनी तो है नही,
फिर भी अपनी सोच को कायम रखते हुए,
हम कुछ ज़्यादा ही  माँगते हैं ।

यह ख्वाहिशें हैं ही ऐसी,
चैन से सोने नहीं देती,
हर दम सताती है,
जब भी सपनों में आती हैं ।

-कृतिका भाटिया

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


I was in school,
Where discipline was maintained.
We were instructed by our teachers,
Time and again.

We used to mingle,
Only during recess,
Otherwise our eyes were glued,
To the board to which only the teacher had access.

We were always seated in groups,
We never liked staying alone,
Whenever we returned home,
We would continue to gossip on the phone.

But, I met a boy,
Who was our classmate.
No friends, no companion,
Unfortunately, a corner in our hearts, he couldn’t accommodate.

He was always lost in his own world,
Sometimes, he used to act weird,
We made a mockery of him,
But, never understood his problem.

I feel sorry for him,
Because I could not do anything,
Now, I understand how foolish I was,
By not befriending him.

I don’t know in which corner of the world he is in,
Never even spoke to him,
Once I left school,
I had no time to even take a dip in the pool !

I could never imagine,
Myself in such a state,
A schizoid he was by birth,
Dunno how on Earth he would live with people of a different trait.

Whenever I look at my school snaps,
I see his face and rewind into flashbacks,
What if I meet him again,
I would apologize and give all the pleasures I can.

Composed by: Kritika Bhatia

Monday, 21 September 2015

Hindi poem:Akelaapan

जब मेरा जन्म हुआ था,
मैं  सही-गलत नहीं जानती थी,
यूँ ही कुछ-न-कुछ करती थी,
कभी हँसती , या कभी रोती रहती थी ।

फिर जब चलने लगी,
सहारा मिला था,
अपनो  ने अपनाया था,
खिल उठा मेरा चेहरा।

फिर पढ़ाई करने लगी,
अध्यापक क्या होता है,
मैं तब जान गयी थी,
भगवान क्या होते हैं , मैं तब मान गयी थी ।

फिर एक सुबह,
जब जागी नींद से,
मैं नैनों  को पोछते हुए,
खिड़की से सूरज को देख रही थी उगते हुए।

नया दिन, नयी उम्मीदें,
हर रोज़ नयी बातें,
मगर एक दिन,
सारी खुशियाँ डूब गयी पानी में ।

न प्यास बुझी, न भूख,
मैंने देखा रब का नया रूप,
जाने किस बात से नाराज़ था,
मैंने उनसे जाकर पूछा ।

क्रोधित थे वह,
मेरी ज़िंदगी में दुःख भर रहे थे वह,
मैंने उन्हें रोकने की कोशिश की,
मगर असफल रह गयी ।

आज मैं अकेली हूँ ,
खुद की सहेली हूँ ,
न जाने किसकी मुझे नज़र लगी,
मैं ज़िंदगी में खुशियों के लिए सौदे करने लगी ।

आज जब मुड़कर देखती हूँ ,
तो मेरे पीछे कोई नहीं,
सब मुझसे मीलों दूर चले गए,
और मैं रह गयी.... अकेली ।

-कृतिका भाटिया

Sunday, 20 September 2015


When I was little,
My dreams were vague,
They went on changing,
Sometimes I dreamt of cookery, and sometimes, modelling.

I was too timid,
To understand this world,
No knowledge about struggles,
No knowledge about hurdles.

But, as I progressed,
I noticed that the world,
Isn’t a cakewalk any more,
You never get success until you don’t work from 12-4.

You need to sacrifice a lot,
You need to sweat your blood out,
Then, there’ll be critics, who’ll comment,
Whether you’ve reached that moment of receiving accolades or not.

You may meet your competitors,
Who will throw challenges at you,
The media makes it all the more complicated,
With interviews, and your movies will be audience-rated.

Sacrifice your etiquettes when needed,
You sacrifice your ‘organs’ when time comes,
The culture gets destroyed,
And so do your loved ones.

They worry when you return in the wee hours,
You try to hide things from them,
And start trusting those from the industry,
Having no idea about what they do for gaining success and money.

Your shots go superb,
Your demands are met,
By acting in adult films,
A lot of praise and money you get.

But, you never thought of them,
Who brought you up like a gem,
You are busy with link-ups and break-ups,
Nobody ever understood what’s up!

You indulge in drinking and drugs,
 You leave the society and ignore the shutterbugs,
People worldwide become your fans,
But, when you drown, there’s no one to give you a hand.

Written by: Kritika Bhatia 


Friday, 18 September 2015

A song in Hindi: Thumak-thumak ke

ओ तेरी सूरत की चमक,
लगे जैसे दमक,
कोई चाँदनी रात में,
चमकती सड़क ।  (x2)

तेरी अदाओं पर तो मैं,
मर गया उसी समय,
क्या बताऊँ  कैसे ख्याल,
आए मेरे मन में ।

तेरी आँखों का रंग चंगा ,
उन में जादू का है नशा (x2)
तेरी ओर खींचे हर दफा,
तेरी बातों में मैं खो गया।

ठुमक-ठुमक के तू,
पुकारे मुझे यूँ ,
कहे  तू कुछ नहीं,
पर मैं तुझे देखता रहूँ ।

तेरी पतली कमर ,
ने बहकाया इस कदर,
न सोने दिया,
जागूँ मैं रात-भर।

तुझसे मिलने के लिए,
तरसूँ हर लम्हे में ,
कोई तो बात थी,
उन छोटे संदेशों में ।

आमना-सामना तो हुआ,
मुझे याद है वह लम्हा ,
जब हम आँखों में आँखें  डालकर ,
बसा लेते थे अपने लिए एक अलग जहान ।

ठुमकाना एक दफा,
अपनी कमर को ज़रा,
फिर से प्यार करने लगूँ तुझे ,
भूल कर यह विश्व सारा।

-कृतिका भाटिया द्वारा लिखा गया गाना।

The links to my Hindi poetries

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The rest of my poems

The Airhostess

Dreams are free of cost,
The richest can dream,
So can the poor,
Thoughts gather like film scenes.

There's no 'class' for dreams,
Anyone can dream of anything,
Poverty may be a hurdle for some,
And for some, a new platform dreams bring.

A small town girl,
Dreams of becoming an air hostess,
Little did she know about their lives,
She only saw them on television, newspapers and posters and thought that all the qualities she could possess.

Time went by,
She became an adult,
She was tall, slender and beautiful,
And performed her duties with cult.

She got a chance to work in a flight,
She liked to help the passengers,
And got lots of delight,
When she received accolades for her duty by the manager.

Once, while she was on duty,
Someone spied on her beauty,
He saw her as a sex object,
His orders she couldn't reject.

He followed her to the pantry,
And assaulted her sexually,
There she lay, in a pool of blood,
Naked, and everyone assembled around her while on the scud.

She needed help urgently,
The crew hospitalized immediately,
But she was declared dead on arrival,
The journey of her life was like a scribble.

No goals, no direction,
She was 'used' to attract mens' attention,
Thus, her life had halted there,
She had no drinks, no affair.

Justice for her is pending,
The accused is absconding,
No doubt, the case was ignored completely,
Her dreams were shattered, though turned into reality.

-Kritika Bhatia


प्यार यह foolish है,
हर पल expectation है,
इससे न बच पाया कोई,
कुछ भी हो जाए,
Credit इसे मिल जाए,
दिल में feeling है ज़रूरी...

इसमें हैं,
हज़ार कुर्बानियाँ ,
लकीरों में कहानियाँ ,
लिखकर भेजे वह खुदा,
न जाने दिल को क्या हुआ ,
माँगे उसके लिए दुआ। 

(But the fact is)
प्यार यह foolish है,
हर पल expectation है,
इससे न बच पाया कोई,
कुछ भी हो जाए,
Credit इसे मिल जाए
दिल में feeling है ज़रूरी...

दिल को आज तक,
समझ ही न सके,
पर हर जगह,
उसका ही चेहरा दोखे,
हाँ...  यह पल खुशी के,
उसी ने दिए हैं मुझे ।

जिगर यह हमेशा,
Soft corner रखे,
उसके लिए जो,
दिल में जा बसे ....

(Come on, everybody)
प्यार यह foolish है,
हर पल expectationहै,
इससे न बच पाया कोई,
कुछ भी हो जाए,
Credit इसे मिल जाए,
दिल में feeling है ज़रूरी ।

-Kritika Bhatia