Wednesday, 5 September 2018


I see the fire,
Burning at a distance.
It's got so much of radiance,
It glows in the dark.

The more we add ghee,
The brighter it will get.
Whenever, its flames I've met,
I felt myself dying from within.

Fire has different contexts,
I may see it as the end.
For, it's for the last rites of the person to whom a shoulder we lend,
And, for some, it's a ritual to start afresh.

It burns with so much of intensity,
I wonder how it is so powerful.
A crowd of people, towards it get pulled,
When it is lit up as a bonfire.

Flames burn a person,
Dead or alive,
For some, it's an inspiration to survive,
For some, it is like a warrior that will die after water is poured over it and will get extinguished forever.

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